Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones, making them fragile and prone to fractures. Think of bones as a honeycomb – in osteoporosis, this structure thins and becomes porous, making it easier to damage. Often, there are no noticeable symptoms until a fracture occurs.
What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to fracture. The bone's honeycomb structure thins, becoming more porous and susceptible to damage. This can happen without symptoms until a fracture occurs.
Who's at Risk?
Several factors increase osteoporosis risk:
What are the Symptoms?
Early osteoporosis often has no noticeable symptoms. The first sign might be a fracture (wrist, hip, or spine) after a minor fall or even without falling. Back pain can also indicate a vertebral fracture.
How is Osteoporosis Diagnosed?
Diagnosis typically involves a bone density test (DEXA scan). This painless scan measures bone density to determine osteoporosis or osteopenia (low bone mass).
Treatment and Prevention:
Treatment aims to slow bone loss, improve bone strength, and reduce fracture risk. This includes:
The Takeaway:
Osteoporosis is a serious but manageable condition. Early detection and treatment reduce fracture risk and improve quality of life. Consult your doctor to assess your risk and determine the best course of action. Prevention is key.